Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year's Resolution/New Year's Day/Laughing/My two Brothers

One of my new year's resolutions is to write more. I don't write very much at all. I enjoy writing but I don't do it enough. When I start writing, I go really deep into the story and make the story long and it has many details. The problem is that I don't write enough. I would like to write as much as I read and I read quite a lot. I want to write more so that I maintain the creativity of my imagination. If I don't write enough, I'm afraid that I won't be able to think up good ideas and plots for stories and my writing level will go down.

Another resolution I would like to achieve is that I'd like to make more friends. I already have many friends but I'd like to make more.  Making friends is good because it gives you time to socialize and show who you are to new people. I'd like to make new friends because I want to expand my choice of people to hang out with. Even though I already have many friends, I like making new ones because I like to know that if some of my friends leave school, I have my other friends to help me get over my sadness and I can count on them to make my school year fun even without my other friends who left.

My family celebrated New Year's in Hong Kong. We went to the 50's which is a place where they play live music and they welcome children in. The music they play is mostly old songs and songs that aren't really modern. That's why they're called The 50's. The 50's moved from one street to another place because they had to tear down the building that they used to be in.

When we walked into the new 50's, the first thing we saw was a table of people that must have been over the age of 60! We squeezed our way over to our table and sat down. I sat in the biggest, most comfortable chair there. The difference from the old 50's and the new 50's was that the new one is more modern. It is also more stretched out. The new 50's is more like a club and the old 50's was more like a pub. I prefer the new 50's very much. After a few songs, the band introduced the Elvis of Hong Kong. He sang a few songs by Elvis then handed the mic back to the band. They sang a few more songs then all of a sudden, I heard a kid's voice! I realized that it was twins singing "Baby" by Justin Bieber! After the kids sang that, the band went back to singing. Before we knew it, it was 12:00AM! The band sang a celebration song and we all linked hands and sang along. Then, we formed a konga line and went around the place. Everyone joined in! We were happily dancing around and eventually, our feet ached so much, we had to stop. I sent text messages to my two half brothers and my second cousin saying happy new year. After a while, we realized it was already 2AM! My dad and I were hungry so we went with one of the band members and my aunt to eat noodles. After that, we went home and had a good night's sleep.

One of my talents are making people laugh. I enjoy making people laugh because I like to see that I make people happy. I also like making people laugh because I like laughing! I'm a kind of person that can make a joke out of almost anything.

Something that not many people know about me is the history of my family. Most people don't know that I have two half brothers that live in Hong Kong. Both my mom and dad were married before. They both divorced and married each other after meeting in a pet store that they worked in. My mom had me when she was 43 so my parents are pretty old. They're old enough to be my grandparents and my brothers could be my parents! One of my brothers already has 3 kids!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cheyenne, I really loved this blog post. I liked how you told us about what you did in the New Year specifically. Yes, what you wrote in your talents paragraph is so true. You make me laugh! I agree with you in the last paragraph, not many people know that about you. By the way, in your third paragraph when you wrote about The 50's place, you spelled Justin Bieber wrong. It's not suppose to be Justin Beiber, it's Justin Bieber. =D I really loved your writing. AWESOME!
