Thursday, August 11, 2011

Live Your Life To The Fullest

I chose the quote: "You should live every day like it's your last day because one day you're gonna be right." ~Ray Charles~ because I feel that it's very important to live your life well. We only have one life and life is too short to waste. If you waste precious time of your life doing drugs, drinking or smoking, you'll then realize, when you're dying, that you shouldn't have wasted your life like that and you could have lived longer. You only realize what you've lost, after you loose it.

Life is so valuable. That's also the reason I smile so much. I feel if you waste too much time being depressed or unhappy, you are loosing precious seconds of your life and instead of doing that, you should smile and have a good time!

Another reason why I chose this quote is because you should never think you'll never be right. Not only should you live your life well, but you should always remember that you're always right in some way. A lot of people in the world live in misery and think that no one notices them and they have such low self esteem that they don't believe in themselves. I feel that it's very important to know that people do care for you and you ARE right about somethings!

Basically, I just feel that we should "Live like we're dying" because happiness and life is just so important to me and I hope everyone sees how important life really is!

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