Monday, September 12, 2011

What's My Name?

If I said I was named after a dog, would you think I’m crazy? Well, go ahead and think what you want because, guess what? I was named after a dog. When we lived in Boston, my parents were dog and cat groomers. One day, my mom was grooming a cute, fluffy shih tzu, the same color as my shih tzu now. Fascinated by the dog’s name, she asked her colleges if it was a girl’s name. Delighted with their answer, she named me Cheyenne.

“Unintelligible speaker”. How could my name possibly mean unintelligible speaker? Am I truly that hard to understand? I must admit, I talk a lot, but people hear me clearly, right? This is one of the reasons why I think my name doesn’t suit me. If there was a name that meant “Chatterbox”, perhaps that’s what my name should be!

Comparing myself and my name makes me queasy. Cheyenne, a graceful, elegant sounding name. I’m anything BUT graceful or elegant. I like the name Cheyenne, but it doesn’t quite suit my personality. I have mainly, two personalities, one which I clip up my hair and dress very properly, and the other, where I just throw my hair into a pony tail and wear a shirt and shorts. When I think about it, Cheyenne seems like a name for a beautiful, rich girl that everyone knows and loves. Not at all what I’m like.

When I say the name Cheyenne, it gives me a calm, cool feeling. Like a relaxing day at the beach, lolling in the sand by the majestic blue water, watching the beautiful sunset. There are exceptions, though. If you say my name wrong, it would sound worse than the wicked witch of a teacher’s long, claws on the chalkboard. A lot of people don’t know how to pronounce my name. Sometimes they say: CHeeyeenee, CHeyeen or Cheeyen. I find it surprising that people, even from America can get it wrong, knowing that there’s a city in Wyoming called Cheyenne. It really annoys me that I have to tell people over and over again, how to say my name. Can’t someone just GET IT RIGHT?

The letters of my name make it unique. There are quite a few Cheyennes in the world... but they’re most likely spelled differently. Either Cheyanne or maybe even Shianne. After all, there’s a world of possibilities. I’m quite fond of all the letters of my name because they tie it together. The letters individually are quite nice too. Except for the C. It’s so bland and boring. When I try to find a signature, I can never figure out what to do with the C. It’s like a barren desert. No one there to keep it company, nothing to make it interesting. Absolute emptiness. At least there’s only one C in my name. Then we get to the Y. That’s most likely my favorite letter of my name. It makes me feel... bouncy. Whenever I write the letter Y, I always write it with a spring. If the bottom part isn’t curly and springy, the top is super round and makes me feel like shooting up from my seat, like a Jack-In-The-Box. Y. Yellow. Happiness.

All my friends have nicknames, but do I? No. The only nicknames I’ve had were my initials, CT, given to me by Mr. Sheflin, my sixth grade math and science teacher. My other nickname, which I really HATE, was given to me by my friends in America, Chey-Chey. (Shy-Shy) No one even bothered to come up with anything better, and I learned to deal with it. I used to think it was funny when people said CEEH TEEH! because Mr. Sheflin would always exaggerate things. It reminded me of him, one of my favorite teachers.

When I think about it, maybe I’m not supposed to have a nickname. Maybe it was all a plan. Maybe, my name meaning “unintelligible speaker”, was all a plan to get me to stop talking so constantly in class. Perhaps. but who knows?

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