Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Literature Circle Response Two

Chapters 16-18 in the book The Giver by Lois Lowry have to do with freedom. In Jonas's world, as I've said in my last blogpost, is controlled. The people in his community have no control over their life. They don't get to choose what job they get. Their jobs are chosen by the people of their government who observe each person and give them a job based on their personality. There are no colors, no music, no hills and nothing that could cause conflict.

These chapters have to do with freedom because Jonas learns about love. He confessed that he liked the feeling of love. He discusses love with the Giver and when he gets home, he asks, " 'Do you love me?' " (127) and his father says that he shouldn't use that word. He said that love was equivalent to a swear word. Then, when Jonas was tucking Gabe in for bed, he shares secrets and talks about love with Gabe,
" 'Things could change, Gabe,' Jonas went on. 'Things could be different. I don't know how, but there must be some way for things to be different. There could be colors.
'And grandparents,' he added, staring through the dimness toward the ceiling of his sleepingroom. 'And everybody would have the memories.
'You know about the memories,' he whispered, turning toward the crib.
Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun' memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes' memories of dancing barefoot on a damp lawn.
The newchild stirred slightly in his sleep. Jonas looked over at him.
'There could be love,' Jonas whispered. " (128-129)

This quote from the book shows that Jonas wants freedom. He tells Gabe that he wants change. He wants there to be love. He wants there to be grandparents to comfort him.

This book talks a lot about freedom in general because of the way that most people can't see color. Only the gifted ones like Jonas, the Giver and Gabriel. There are many things different between our world and theirs. People think they have emotions but they really have no idea what emotions are. They would get upset about things that are unimportant. Children are grouped by age. For example, Eights, nines, twelves. The eights would get to start doing volunteer work. Then, when they become twelves, they get to receive their job. As you can probably tell by now, our world, in ways, is better than theirs. Their world could be better because there are no conflicts or bad happening but it is very boring.

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