Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Giver - Literature Circle Post One

In class, we've received a new lit circle book. I am reading The Giver. In the book The Giver, peoples' lives are controlled for them. They get assigned jobs once they are 12. They call each other by age groups. For example, "eights, nines, elevens" instead of saying "second grader, eighth grader" etc. They also have adopted children. They come from Birthmothers and the baby gets sent to a care center and another family takes them. Each family is only allowed to have one girl and one boy.

We have to answer a question out of:
1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
2. How do you feel about the "standard practices" and "rituals" in the community?
3. Why is interdependence fostered in the community?

I chose to do number 2: How do you feel about the "standard practices" and "rituals" in the community?

I think that if I lived in that type of community, it would be awfully boring. The people in The Giver wouldn't know the difference because they have never lived a life where they get to control their own actions. In Jonas's case, he's turning 12 and they are about to give him and 'assignment', meaning he's about to get a job. In the real world that we live in, we would choose our own job and get interviewed. But in The Giver, people observe you and give you your 'assignment' based on your personalities and your interests. I would also really hate to live in that type of community because you can't quit your job if you don't enjoy it. I would want to have my own opinion. Also, since the children don't get to stay with their biological mothers, I feel that they don't get the real experience of motherly love. I find it strange that people aren't allowed to get bicycles until they're nine years old because I know I would have wanted to ride a bike before then. I think that if the whole world were like The Giver, life would be much easier with no war, but then you would have wasted so many lives because they never got to live their life properly because they were being trapped and controlled and not spending their life with freedom and fun.


  1. Nice blog, Cheyenne. You wrote it very well and it is grammatically correct in every way. It also sounds very advanced, due to the fact that that you used larger and more advanced words. It also tells the reader what the book is about. All in all, a nice blogpost.

  2. I really like your blog post, Cheyenne. I would give it an A+. Well done. I really liked how you wrote an introduction and wrote a little bit about the book, "The Giver," so we could review what had happened in the story. I also liked how you restated the questions so that we could actually see the three questions. I also liked your response because you gave your opinions about the book. Then in your response, you also wrote a little, tiny bit about the book for evidence. I don't think you have any mistakes because you are awesome! No, I am serious. Anyway, I loved your blogpost!
