Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My favorite part of the Kuala Selangor field trip was all the MUD!!! When we went to plant mangrove trees, we got SUPER muddy! Walking to the muddiness was fine. It was walking IN the mud that was hard!

As I walked into the squishiness, I was thinking, How disgustingly awesome!!!! I love it here!! On the outside, I was just smiling hugely. At first, we were walking on a log. Then, there was no more log to walk on! I took one step into the mud, WOOO!!! The feeling of my feet sinking down into brown goo made me wince. I tried to make my way over to where everyone was already planting. I realized that if I fell now, I would have no one to grab onto! The next moment, I noticed that I couldn't move my legs! I was officially stuck! I felt myself losing balance. Since I was already so far underground, all I had to do was use my legs to pull myself up. The only problem was, How was I supposed to move FORWARD? I started to panic. I saw three little crabs crawling near me. I fell again! This time, I wasn't fast enough to catch myself. PLOP! Right into the mud. I quickly got up so that the crabs wouldn't crawl onto my hand. I looked down onto my shorts. MUD!!! I pulled my right leg as hard as possible. I didn't budge. Since I had gloves on, I didn't care if my hands got dirty or not. I plunged my hands into the mud and started to dig my foot out. PLOP! Into the mud... AGAIN! This time, I pulled my leg out first and then got up. I still had to figure out how to get my other leg up. My friends passed me a stick to support me. It didn't help very much knowing that it broke! I wiggled my foot as much as I could. Then my boot started to come off! I pulled it back on and then I noticed that I just got my legs muddy! Well muddier anyway.

I finally was close enough to a log that I could walk on. The only problem was, I WAS STUCK AGAIN! This time, my leg was so far in, I could barely see my boot! I pulled with all my might. Nothing moved. I tried again. NOTHING! I pulled the hardest that I possibly could and my foot came out of my boot! I quickly slid it back into my boot and this time, I tried pulling on my boot with my hands again. My boot only moved a TINY bit. Since I was already so stuck, I might as well help all my other friends who were stuck. They were fortunate enough to get out. One of my friends tried to help me out of the mud but sadly, he failed. I was so stuck, that the guy who was helping us plant the mangroves had to pull my foot out!

I finally got out of the mud and onto the log. I looked around to see if anyone needed my help to get out. I saw that someone needed my help so I TRIED to help. Instead, I just got him all muddy. It didn't help very much. I was balancing on the log. Since no one else needed my help, I asked the guy for a mangrove to plant. It turned out that there were none left! I had struggled all the way over for nothing! Well at least I had fun. I got ready to struggle my way out of the swamp and go home.

As I walked out of the mud, I waited for a few of my friends. Not a good idea. I got stuck AGAIN! This time not so far in, so it was easier to get out. Once I got out of the swamp, I took my gloves off and wiped my hands on my shirt. Another bad idea. My hands got muddy! Never mind. I walked over to my shoes and took my boots off. My socks were already half off my feet. I slipped my feet into my slippers. I tried to figure out how to hold all of my belongings. My water bottle, socks, boots and gloves! I decided to slip my gloves and socks into the boots. I gave my water bottle to someone else.

I dragged myself about 5 meters onto the path. I dropped my boots and nearly fell down. The muddy boots were so heavy! I couldn't figure out how to hold them without dropping them every 5 meters until a 1/4 of the way home. I decided to put my arms into the boots and put my hands where my feet normally go. I didn't really mind if my hands got muddy because it's not like I could never ever wash them or anything. So I continued sluggishly walking towards the hostel. Even though I thought I found a better way to carry my boots, my friend kept stopping because she didn't know how to carry her boots without getting SUPER tired, so I got tired really easily. This was not exactly part of my favorite part of the field trip. It was after this part that I absolutely LOVED!

Since we were so muddy, it wouldn't make sense to just clog up the showers with mud. So first we got hosed down. Since I kept stopping on the way back, I was one of the last people to get hosed down. Everyone else came out nice and clean. I was SO tempted to go give them a hug.

When I was hosed down, I still had some mud left on my shirt. I went to take a shower and I felt too clean. I wanted to go back into the mud. Basically, MUD ROCKS!

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