Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Treaty Of Versailles: Fair or Unfair

The Treaty of Versailles was unfair towards the Germans. After the war was over, in 1918, people celebrated their victory, and they left behind the destroyed grounds. The defeated parties were punished and Germany was forced to sign a Peace Treaty, giving the restrictions that you couldn't even imagine.

In January of 1919, David Lloyd George, of Britain, Vittorio Orlando, of Italy, France's Georges Clemenceau and President Woodrow Wilson met for a Peace Conference to decide how to punish Germany for the destruction they caused. They decided on restrictions Germany must follow such as limiting their military forces to 100,000 men and there shall be no air force or submarines.

Although it is reasonable that Germany should be punished for the damage they've done, I feel it's too harsh to make them give up all the land that they had title over. In the end, Germany had to pay for all the damage they've done which added up to about $33 billion. A lot of Germany's land was taken from them and lost their mining lands, making it very difficult for them to pay for the damage they'd caused.

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