Monday, September 12, 2011

Objects as Adjectives

If you asked me to describe myself in three items, I don’t know which 3 I would use because so many things can represent me! We had the option to do up to 5 items and since I didn’t know what to choose, I decided to use 5 items instead of 3. I chose to use my favorite childhood book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, my passport, my dogs, my collection of Converse and my headphones for multiple reasons. I love reading, traveling, dogs, converse and music! I hope after you read this, you’ll understand why I love these things and maybe you’ll learn to love them too!

First off, I love reading. Not only does this book represent a lot of childhood memories, it also shows my passion for reading. Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, is my first item because when I was younger and I couldn’t sleep, my mom would read this book to me. I remember sitting next to her on the bed and I would listen to her read. While she was reading the book to me, I would spot all the items that the author was referring to such as “a comb, a brush and a bowl full of mush.” As my mom was reading, I’d think that this book was sad because when I was little, I never liked to sleep at night and sometimes, I still don’t. Not that I don’t enjoy sleeping, I just never liked sleeping at night. I would say goodnight to everything in the book in my mind and as my mom finished reading the book, I remember my heart dropping. It was time to go to sleep. I don’t understand why I never liked sleeping. I guess I just wanted to stay up all day and night, playing or doing something fun instead of laying in bed, sleeping. My mom would make me warm milk if I couldn’t sleep and she still does it now, if I can’t sleep. Anyway, back to the book. This book holds a lot of childhood memories and when I look back to them now, I get this tingly feeling in my stomach and I feel like I’m a kid again and I like it.

Traveling. I absolutely love going to new places to discover what there is to see in foreign countries. I travel so much that I’ve had to get pages added to my passport! In 4th grade, my mom asked my teacher permission for me to miss a few weeks in school to go to London. He replied, saying that going to different places was a wonderful chance to learn. After he said that, I realized that going on holiday wasn’t just about having a good time in another country but it was an opportunity to be educated about a new place. When we went to London, we went to the museum and I learned so much! Traveling has become a part of my life and I’ve been traveling since I was little! We go to Hong Kong a few times a year and every time we go, I learn something new. I have loved every single place that I’ve visited and I can’t wait to do some more exploring! Not only do I love traveling but this passport proves that I really am American! A lot of my friends ask me if I really am American. For some reason, they don’t believe me. I was originally born in America and I lived there until I was about 6 or 7 then I moved to Kuala Lumpur. I like to call myself American but my whole family is Chinese. To make things clear, my nationality is American but the things I do are more towards the Chinese culture, not American. But my personality is more American. I talk like an American and I don’t have any accent. At least I don’t think I do? My passport is a very big part of my life and without it, I would be so bored! I wouldn’t be able to travel all over the world and I would be stuck in one country forever!

Why dogs, you ask? There’s more than “They’re so cute and cuddly!” When I still lived in America, my mom and dad were dog and cat groomers! They both worked in a grooming shop but then they started their own MOBILE grooming company. We had a van and it had a little grooming room. We would go to people’s houses and groom their dogs or cats in the back of our van! My family had a cat and dog at home and when I was born and my mom brought me home, she said our dog tried to protect my mom and she wasn’t so sure about me. Then, as she got used to me, she learned to love and protect me. I grew up pretty much surrounded by dogs so I love dogs. My dog and cat both died when I was 3 and since then, I’ve always wanted a dog. It took a while to convince my mom to get a dog in Malaysia. Mini, the white and black dog was adopted from someone. Their friend was moving away so they gave it to the person we adopted her from and that person had 2 other dogs and they didn’t like her so she gave her to me! The other dog was also adopted but from a different person. This person was a family friend’s son’s dog and he was at work too much and he couldn’t take care of the dog so he was looking for a new owner and my mom asked if I wanted another dog and of course I said yes! Dogs have become a HUGE part of my life and I plan on keeping it that way.

You’re probably wondering why I chose shoes. Shoes may not be a big deal for you, but to me, SHOES ARE AMAZING! Not only do I love shoes, I’m absolutely obsessed with Converse. It all started in 5th grade. I joined circus arts and it was required to have Converse. They could be fake but it didn’t really matter. I preferred to buy the real ones because the real Converse were better quality and there were designs that were more appealing rather than just a plain, dull color. I have a total of 7 pairs of Converse. One of them go up to just below the knee, 2 are the ones that go up to your ankle and the rest are just the normal ones. I like Converse because it suits my style. The thing about me is that I’m girly but there’s still a tom boy part of me and Converse are neither girly nor tom boy so I love them! I suppose you could say that Converse has become a part of my style.

Music. I’m not exaggerating when I say music is my life. Basically, my life revolves around music. Everything I do, I relate to music. When I’m in class, I often find myself tapping my foot or shaking my leg to a beat. I love singing and dancing and without music, I couldn’t do either. Whenever we have the learning profile tests or how we learn best, I always end up with a high score of a musical learner. Even though I’m not the best singer, in fact, I can’t sing at all, I still love it because singing helps me express myself. Same with dancing. I’ve always wanted to sing and dance. Even though almost every little girl wants to be a singer or dancer, I’m actually serious. I take singing and dancing very seriously and I hope one day I can do something in life with it! I listen to music very, very often. It’s pretty amazing how I don’t get tired of listening to music. My iPod means a lot to me because whenever I feel sad, happy, angry or even tired, I just take out my iPod and it makes me feel better, or happier or I fall asleep listening to music. I’ve found that I fall asleep easily when listening to music. I believe without music, my life would be miserable. That’s why I love music so much!

So now not only do you know what’s important TO me, but you now know more ABOUT me! These items are very important to me and I don’t know what I would do without them. I probably wouldn’t last long without these items. I would have taken a picture of my computer but the maximum was only 5 items. Also, my computer is getting fixed so I’m using my mom’s. My computer is also a VERY big part of my life. Firstly, because a lot of things in life now require a computer but also because I’m very into social networking. I’ve listened to all the lessons about being safe on the internet and I take it all to mind. I try to stay very safe and I don’t share personal information. Also, without my computer, I probably couldn’t survive. I also use my computer for music. I have iTunes on there so I listen to music from there too. I could go on forever, telling you why my computer is so important to me but then I would end up writing a book! To sum things up, I think everyone has different opinions and everyone depends on different things. For me, the items that I listed above are what I depend on and some might not agree but it’s my opinion. Right?

What's My Name?

If I said I was named after a dog, would you think I’m crazy? Well, go ahead and think what you want because, guess what? I was named after a dog. When we lived in Boston, my parents were dog and cat groomers. One day, my mom was grooming a cute, fluffy shih tzu, the same color as my shih tzu now. Fascinated by the dog’s name, she asked her colleges if it was a girl’s name. Delighted with their answer, she named me Cheyenne.

“Unintelligible speaker”. How could my name possibly mean unintelligible speaker? Am I truly that hard to understand? I must admit, I talk a lot, but people hear me clearly, right? This is one of the reasons why I think my name doesn’t suit me. If there was a name that meant “Chatterbox”, perhaps that’s what my name should be!

Comparing myself and my name makes me queasy. Cheyenne, a graceful, elegant sounding name. I’m anything BUT graceful or elegant. I like the name Cheyenne, but it doesn’t quite suit my personality. I have mainly, two personalities, one which I clip up my hair and dress very properly, and the other, where I just throw my hair into a pony tail and wear a shirt and shorts. When I think about it, Cheyenne seems like a name for a beautiful, rich girl that everyone knows and loves. Not at all what I’m like.

When I say the name Cheyenne, it gives me a calm, cool feeling. Like a relaxing day at the beach, lolling in the sand by the majestic blue water, watching the beautiful sunset. There are exceptions, though. If you say my name wrong, it would sound worse than the wicked witch of a teacher’s long, claws on the chalkboard. A lot of people don’t know how to pronounce my name. Sometimes they say: CHeeyeenee, CHeyeen or Cheeyen. I find it surprising that people, even from America can get it wrong, knowing that there’s a city in Wyoming called Cheyenne. It really annoys me that I have to tell people over and over again, how to say my name. Can’t someone just GET IT RIGHT?

The letters of my name make it unique. There are quite a few Cheyennes in the world... but they’re most likely spelled differently. Either Cheyanne or maybe even Shianne. After all, there’s a world of possibilities. I’m quite fond of all the letters of my name because they tie it together. The letters individually are quite nice too. Except for the C. It’s so bland and boring. When I try to find a signature, I can never figure out what to do with the C. It’s like a barren desert. No one there to keep it company, nothing to make it interesting. Absolute emptiness. At least there’s only one C in my name. Then we get to the Y. That’s most likely my favorite letter of my name. It makes me feel... bouncy. Whenever I write the letter Y, I always write it with a spring. If the bottom part isn’t curly and springy, the top is super round and makes me feel like shooting up from my seat, like a Jack-In-The-Box. Y. Yellow. Happiness.

All my friends have nicknames, but do I? No. The only nicknames I’ve had were my initials, CT, given to me by Mr. Sheflin, my sixth grade math and science teacher. My other nickname, which I really HATE, was given to me by my friends in America, Chey-Chey. (Shy-Shy) No one even bothered to come up with anything better, and I learned to deal with it. I used to think it was funny when people said CEEH TEEH! because Mr. Sheflin would always exaggerate things. It reminded me of him, one of my favorite teachers.

When I think about it, maybe I’m not supposed to have a nickname. Maybe it was all a plan. Maybe, my name meaning “unintelligible speaker”, was all a plan to get me to stop talking so constantly in class. Perhaps. but who knows?