Sunday, August 8, 2010


My full name is Cheyenne Ka-En Tang. (My middle name is Chinese) I live in Kuala Lumpur near KLCC. I originally come from Boston, Massachusetts. I have 3 different types of pets. I have one very old dog, 2 hamsters and I just got 31 fish (guppies) but 5 of them died yesterday. My favorite time of year is when school starts because I can't wait to see all my friends! I enjoy middle school very much because we get lockers!!! My favorite part of middle school is opening my locker! The problem is that sometimes I forget my locker combinations because we get 3 lockers! One is a main locker, one is for Physical Education and the last one is for Band!

The book I am currently reading is called "Love In The Corner Pocket" by Marlene Perez. I haven't read much of the book yet but I already enjoy it very much. My hobbies are basically reading (sometimes), riding my bicycle (it broke), and I enjoy doing math... if I am in the mood. My favorite color is blue. I don't really do anything in my free time but play with my dog! After school I do Kumon which is extra math. Normally people go there because they need help with their math. I go there because as I said before, I enjoy doing math. The problem is that we have to do Kumon everyday no matter what. Even during vacation! Oh well. At least I enjoy it!

Three adjectives that describe me are funny, because a lot of my friends laugh at a lot of the things I say. Another word that describes me is enthusiastic because every time there is good news or something exciting happens, I get really excited! The last word I think describes me is crazy. I am really crazy when I am with my friends because I am an only child so I enjoy having company from people my age!

I think this year I would like to succeed in some of my goals. One of my academic goals is to improve my writing skills. My social goal is to make as many friends as possible. I hope I can achieve both of these goals by the end of the year.

I will post many other things on this blog but for now, this is it. Hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Cheyenne Tang

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